In Italy they have condemned Google to have let publishvideo in that veia I mistreat to a boy with mental disability by its classmates accuses, it is of violation of privacy.Three civil servants of the company have been condemned, to that he still suffers safe, not to have direct responsibility with the publication of the video in the Youtube vestibule. For my it is a thing without sense that attacks Youtube and Google, as soon as the responsibility than he has happened is minimal for them, furthermore I believe that if the problem of this boy has come to the light it is thanks to the vestibule of videos property of Google. If they allow me to make an example, I believe that serious as if a person writes an insult to a handicapped person in the facade of a house and 2-3 day later the police condemns the owner of the house by not to have erased the written one. The direct people in charge are the boys who mistreated, who has loaded the video, the professors and the directors of the school. I admit that a minimal fault can be called on to youtube by not to have detected of precocious way the video and to indicate it to the authorities, but the concept of violation of privacy is very relative. I create furthermore that the videos that come loaded in youtube where authentic bestialities can be seen to draw attention, are video that emulates the concept of Television which we have that is ” nowadays; I leave in a screen and I am a Famoso” . then the culprit deberia not to be the television?