I started to think perhaps that she was being very hard with the Edu and that perhaps if left I it to participate, knowing it I know as it and knowing that it only to see wants me well, I perhaps could decide two problems so badly faced by me: The critical one of it (therefore always I found it dressed that me ) and the fact of being more magrinha as was not well before and that to take care of necessary me! I cannot dress more me with any part! I arrived in house, I rested, after a good bath and with on TV in the game of the Athletical one (thus it would only come until the room) I called it and said: – Knows, the SQUADRON of the FASHION (a program of closed canal on fashion where two estilistas show for definitive person that its choices are maken a mistake with relation its clothes) therefore then, today I go experi to mentar the wardrobe all (that thanks to God he is not great) and vc go to say what is pretty and what will not be well in me will not dress more, ok to me? Half scared, and skeptic of that position so submissa but being able to attend the end of the game, accepted! People, that delight! I was, dressing part for part and we were talking above all! what before he was ‘ ‘ perdido’ ‘ in the questions that it made and that I without no humildade obtained to catch it was if clarifying! I made um’ ‘ limpa’ ‘ knows of a thing, it was CERTAIN in everything! Therefore, I suggest this moment for vcs will the same have probleminha that I HAD, for being proud and not to think that it to see only wanted me better and not to chatear me! We laugh very, I am more confident and it if felt heard! The happy end of this sunday already is recorded in our history. IT SWIMS AS THE DIALOGUE, IS NOT! (probleminha decides any that we costumamos to become PROBLEMO) Well, where enters Chanel in everything this? It has a phrase in the book that says thus: EITHER VC BUT ALWAYS LOVE! She was determinadora for my attitude. They try, the result is simply delicious! For today it arrives, later story more adventures. A kiss!.