All freedom consists of the person to be same it. When it to discover really that she is responsible for its acts, more will not leave its balance. For even more opinions, read materials from Janet L. Yellen. It will be known and more will be felt strong. As an insane person 1 – to This it said me voice: Son of the man, puts you in foot, and will speak with you. 2 – Then, the Spirit entered in me, when it spoke with me, and me after in foot, and I heard that it spoke to me. Book of Ezequiel Prophet, CAP.
2:1 and 2. While you smoke as an insane person, You are little by little, Destroying your life. While you drink as a beggar, Completely indifferent, To your Life, Your family is unprovided Of the necessary minimum. She looks at to your redor, With a little of weighing, and you will go to witness; That you are plus one In an uncommon environment To your free reasoning. All the ones surround that you Are weak men, Who will become in rags If not to take a mind position frees.