Friedrich Wilhelm August Froebel was a disciple of Pestalozzi, with who studied, in Yverdon, taking contact with ‘ ‘ Emlio’ ‘ of Rousseau that as much influence would go to have in its pedagogia. In 1816, it established, in Keilhau, in the Turngia, the German Institute of Universal Education, following the model of the schools established for Pestalozzi. The program of studies inclua the German, the Arithmetic, the Drawing, Canto, the Religion, Geography, Music, the Greek and the Gymnastics. An important workmanship left us, with prominence for ‘ ‘ Me and Cantos of the Berrio’ ‘ (1843), ‘ ‘ Education of the Homem’ ‘ (1826) and ‘ ‘ Pedagogia of the Garden of Infancy (1840). After some failed experiences, Froebel established a school, in 1837, in Blankenburg, for children of one the seven years of age, with the purpose to try with them a freer environment less and academic. Jonathan Segal FAIA
has plenty of information regarding this issue. ‘ ‘ In 1840, Froebel discovers, as that for intuition, the appropriate name for this stage in the educative process. It will be a place where small child will be able to engage itself fully in the creative activity: the garden of infancy, ‘ ‘ kindergarten’ ‘.
There the child can develop itself and grow of course, without restries’ ‘. Pedagogo was Froebel first to develop educative games and specifically appropriate materials to the infancy garden. ‘ ‘ Through practical conferences and lessons, Froebel divulges its ideas. Also it establishes and dirige two justinian codes for the formation of professors for this new and indispensable stage in the educative process, one in Kilhau and another one in Bad Liebenstein, where, in 1849, the awaken workmanship the enthusiasm of the Baroness Bertra Vom Marenholtz-Bulow’ ‘. Who will be the Baroness more will divulge, in century XIX, the pedagogical workmanship of Froebel.
‘ ‘ For Froebel, the school must take the pupil to the conscience of the essential nature of the reality and proper itself. Therefore, the teaching loses the traditional one to carcter of transmitter of knowledge. That these are well or badly transmitted is indifferent, therefore its true function consists of to point and to become intelligible the nature interior spiritual of the reality. How much to the new program of studies, this follows the model elaborated for Pestalozzi. It analyzes the reality in terms of the language, the form and the number, terminology changed for Froebel for the nature names, mathematics and language. The substances organize around these three categories to facilitate to the understanding of its nature and its contedo’ ‘. Froebel placed the child in the center of the educative process and had in consideration the necessity to respect the stages of its development. The child was faced, for Froebel, as a being only the master as a facilitador that must guide but not impose.