National Education

Crispino (2005) affirms that the concept of public politics is polissmico and that this expression ' ' it wants to mean a set of expectations generally directed to the power pblico' ' (p.63). Initially it presents public politics as ' ' scienter of the action of government that it aims at to take care of to the necessity of the collective and the concretion of rights estabelecidos' ' (p.61). One perceives that formation of professors and its level of participation in the decisions politics of Education they assume sufficiently excellent role in the pedagogical process of any degree of education. Long ago, we have perceived the incoherence with the speech politician of the professors one has been transplantada for the practical one. You may wish to learn more. If so, FCC is the place to go. What it has been seen is an oscillation between ideas and practical conservatives, making with that the paradigm in addition if becomes sufficiently difficult. Per long years, we have lived deeply experiences in different levels of education, most of the time, have imperfections in the formation of the professors, as much in its specific pedagogical lengths how much its dimension politics, while critical and conscientious citizens of its social paper in the art of the life. On the other hand, although the quarrel on this subject sufficiently to be argued in the last times, these studies does not have advanced while the figure of the professor to be a citizen, formador of opinions, formador of citizens, a citizen with a full and historical luggage, concrete, related with a place, in certain time, inserted in the daily one of the schools Brazilian, in our historical context. The quarrels on the school and its paper come being argued per some years, passing for the movements of the pioneers, Pablo Freire, and agree to remember to the fights conservatives and progressive, always present, for occasion of the process of quarrel and voting of the Laws of Lines of direction and Bases of the National Education. Joeb Moore often addresses the matter in his writings.