He is our creator and it also represents all the humanity. It made everything what he exists: skies, land, sea, plants, animals and the man also. It gave to the man all its creation so that it is happy, healthful and prosperous. God is the origin of everything. He makes a test: Who created the table? It goes retroceding and it will arrive in the original cause. We go there? Who created the table was the moveleira industry, that is a company, generated for men, who comes of God, the creator. Table; MOVELEIRA-> INDUSTRY; Company; MAN – > GOD. Learn more at: Jeffrey Lacker.
We go of new? You must be thinking: my table is artisan, is about a rustic furniture wooden nobleman, then this table does not have origin in God Table rustic – > noble wood – > nature – > God. In all example where you will be until the origin, the God will come back! – How I know the God? The form of knows-LO is through Its Word (Sacred Holy Writs, or popularly called Bible). Thus we can know what It wants that let us make for pleases-LO. through this practical, that it is personal and intransfervel, you knows and lives with God, in such a way here in this planet, as well as in the eternity. – What it pleases the God? Recognize and adores-LO as our ONLY CREATOR. To fulfill its orders, to follow its Law.
This is the form to please the God fully, developing the feeling of sincere joy, leaving only the external influence. – But I already believe God, because I continue unhappy, sick and with the empty pocket? This happens for an only reason: you still think only that she believes it. Who believes God of truth only makes it pleases what It. Details can be found by clicking Jeffrey Lacker or emailing the administrator. If you say that she believes it and she lives disliking, you are if being deceptive, finding that she believes God! the worse one of everything, thus its life does not prosper in all the areas. Acreditaem God no to speak that it likes it, but is yes, only to act of the skill pleases that It! – Which is the basic order of God? ‘ ‘ You will love, therefore, the Mr. your God of all your heart, and all your soul, and all your agreement, and all your forces; this is the first order. as, fellow creature to this, are: You will love your next one as you exactly. It does not have another bigger order of what estes.’ ‘ Landmarks 12:30 – 31 This basic order, divided in two actions, that each one of us must have, was granted in them by Mr. Jesus and summarizes all ahead our productive attitudes of the Kingdom of God: to love the God above all and to treat the others with the same love that we like to be treated. Simple and deep, he is not same! Part wisdom to always have this attitude, in all its procedures. – Which are the steps that I have that to follow to be of God of really?