Of this form, they are being studied the main telephony equipment manufacturers that are gifts in Brazil. The global competition is each incited time more and the companies are modifying its organizacionais configurations to be more competitive. For in such a way, this work will go to carry through an analysis of the patrimonial rocking of a great Brazilian company of telecommunications, the Living creature. Using resources of analysis of rocking, in special the analysis of quotients, where a comparative study between group of elements of the fincanceiras demonstrations by means of indices will be made. 2.Caracterizao of sector 2.1.
Description of the sector in Brazil Brazilian, controlled the System of Telecommunications for Telebrs system, under the state monopoly, was privatized in quickly denationalized May of 1995 and. The Brazilian Code of Telecomunicaes (CBT), of 1962, legal document that dictated the rules of functioning of the sector, regulated for the Ministry of the Communications (Minicom), agency of the Executive, was substituted by the General Law of Telecomunicaes (LGT), in 1997, legislation applied and regulated for the regulating Agency, National Agency of Telecommunications (Anatel). A vigorous one and widely spread reorganization movement characterizes the current scene of the telecommunications in the world. This process had beginning already in the first years of the decade of 80, notadamente in U.S.A. and England, being gradually folloied by other countries of the Central Europe, Asia and Latin America. The processes of redefinition of the traditional forms of organization have followed diversified orientaes, suggesting one continuum that it goes since the gradual one flexibilizao of the monopolies and politics of regulation the models that combine the total liberalization of the markets, the privatization and the desregulao of the sector. Brazil coexists very has with diverse problems in the sector and innumerable pressures in the direction of the liberalization and reorganization of the telecommunications. The historical model whose base was the public monopoly was revised and, although the existence of some prompt initiatives throughout the last years aiming at the reform of the sector, recently the Brazilian government only presented a proposal ample of redefinition of the telecommunications in the country, as we will see to follow.