Perhaps, it is difficult to find ideal conditions for pokatushek on such a powerful machine, especially if it weighs just 1,100 kg, but hold them after a heavy rain, perhaps the worst choice. Despite this, I was in the passenger seat faster than a bullet. Neil Philpott is involved in racing at this Honda Civic for four years, and generally had a great experience for rear-wheel wheelbarrows competition, so the vagaries of weather it somehow poboku. 'Previously, I worked the rally – he said. – But then bought a Honda CR-V and once flew. The front bumper cost me a round sum. It was then that Neil thought about buying a machine that will be cheaper. 'I wanted something substantive and zadneprivod turbovoe so very long thinking and choosing, not yet decided on a car Honda Civic. Neil bought Berea without wide arches, five years, participated in the championship and won ANWCC it in 2000. It later emerged that this unit mozhtte-participating-in the championship and Vova Touo, but Neil conducted, only one-race – crashed the car. Not really upset, he bought a new 'donors', this time with a wide body. The only difference was in the side body panels, all the rest quietly migrated to the 'narrow' version. Since then there was a process improvement, sanding and … Collectibles victory laps. Today our route is quite narrow and squeezed, but this did not prevent Neil abandon the use of each horse. Reaches the limiter on each transfer, regardless of the length of the line.