It presents a scarce vegetation with arbusivas and herbaceous formations. Cerradinho exists that excellent for the cattle one it must to capim that in it if presents. The serrado can very be well used to advantage for agriculture. To know more about this subject visit Janet L. Yellen. Both are being used for the plantation of soy and sugar cane of> used in the chemical and pharmaceutical industry.

The main producers are Cceres, Bar of the Bugres, Village Bela and Arenpolis. ; Wood Sinop, Aripuan, Smile, Tapur and many others. Currently it does not have a so great extration in virtue of the prohibitions of the IBAMA and other agencies. In the necessary truth exactly of a brake for the wild deforestation. She has enormous possibilities of if planting new trees, however little people make this. We have other products of vegetal extration as Chestnut of Par, You bake, babau, Guaran, Pequi and many others.

In agriculture the Mato Grosso has been distinguished as a great Brazilian granary a time that has great good land reserves. Here, it is practically produced of that if to plant. Currently we have great plantations of soy, cotton, cassava, maize, rice, banana, potato, papaya, cashew, orange, grape and others The horticulture would have well more to be used to advantage, but few people if had unhappyly interested for the branch. The hortalias produce here very well, very abundant wealth in the past, but with some prominences still in some cities. Between these cities we have: High Paraguay, Nortelndia, Arenpolis, Saint Alfonso, New Marilndia, Poxoro, Paranatinga, Peixoto de Azevedo, Juina and others; gold harvested still in some regions as Cuiab, Pocon, Release, Peixoto de Azevedo, Beautiful Village; Calcreo with possibility of great production of whitewash and cement in the future. Currently the two places that more are distinguished are Noble Rosrio West and. Among others lesser products we have: gravel for manufacture of manilhas, pipes and as material of construction, thermal waters, clay,> sand, etc. Animal resources: One of the biggest products of the region continues being the cattle distributed between Zebu, Girols, Nelore and others. Here we have much cattle of cut with exportations for other States and Countries, as well as the milk cattle. We have some industries installed in the State for improvement of the products derived from the cattle. Currently the State is also with a good one leads of ovino, swine and muar. Industry and I deal: Of times for great industries they are being installed here in the State here. These industries are distributed in the branches: alimentary, lumber, of leather, tools. We have referring products the vegetal drinks, oils, meats, flour, sugar, cheeses, candies, palmito, harnesses, manilhas, ceramics, furniture, whitewash, cement, diverse parts, pasta, big cookies, clothes, etc The commerce still is marked by exportation of products derived from the meat and other foods. In the infrastructure sector the Mato Grosso meets in good position, basic factor for the development of a region. One needs a bigger number cooperatives, storing houses for exportation, maquinrio. The region comes attracting industries varied in all the sectors and is of doors opened for all those that they desire if to install here and to progress.