Bakhtin Language

Generally the dislxicos read following its fingers in the words not to errarem and also not to be lost in the reading, would be in the case its security not to leave the literal sequence. An educator to understand its form to learn and necessary patience and force of will to teach it. Therefore to each new method and a new challenge. auditory 1.1.2.Dislexias and the blockade not to assimilate the sounds of the letters, in recognizing the variations of sounds to the sequences of words and orders. This type of dislexia and complicated of if correcting and detailed in the inability to recognize the separate sounds of the verbal language. However majority of the dislxicos auditory possesss the normal hearing. Its differentiated college auditory has with consequence great dictated difficulties in and compositions education of the phonetic one in the traditional one need sensible for them. However they demonstrate difficulties in pronouncing words that it demands you rhyme, interpretations, dgrafos, that is, does not apply the phonetic one in general more pronounces the words with perfection, having in these indefinite pupils the relations of sounds and symbols of the language.

Its upheaval becomes complicated of being corrected to create an exercise directed for this type of child in such a way requires much devotion and pacincias for the educator as for educating. much important one to emphasize that for proper the auditory dislxico that must apply and perfect its exercise of spelling and other indefinite exercises. According to Bakhtin apud Padilha, 1992: The language materna- the composition of its lexicon and its grammatical-not structure learned in the dictionaries and the grammars, in a we acquire by means of concrete statements that we hear and we reproduce during the alive verbal communication that if effects with the individuals that encircle in them. We only assimilate the forms of language in the forms assumed for the statement and together with these forms.