Internet We can testify the birth of a so important vehicle when the press of Gutemberg? clearly, making the had ratios and distinctions of time and place. The Internet has the condo to join to a click the past and the gift, without bigger efforts – we can thus see that our gift vastly was widened. The concept of gift, passed and future depends on our reasoning and knowledge and the Internet all disponibilizou remote past to our gift. It also has, it is clearly, those things that always go to follow the man, any benefit always comes folloied of its curses – (the airplane for transport and as bombing) therefore, it has that to have a bigger care. Line sees the games on, spans, available and without controls, to condition the young. Creating at the same time easinesses of if becoming one ‘ ‘ informado’ ‘ or one ‘ ‘ consumista’ ‘. We can deepen knowing – we can in a half time find historical and diverse truths – we can enrich our lives and form concepts deep, or we can losing in them for all always.
A new vision fits now of as this can didactically be taught. Who is professor who sees the chance to use this new tool, and who is not that it looks for to learn to reason clearly in way. Joeb Moore is often mentioned in discussions such as these. She sees – also – for where if directs this easiness – all, without exception, telephony companies, are at the present moment, trying to directly make possible the use of the Internet from the devices of cellular, that is, will have an inexhaustible source of useful and or ponographic information to the reach of the hand, in any place of the planet and any time, always in intelligible way – because we can translate of any language, for the language of our agreement. Everything that appears gratis – pparently -, has a price. But knowing to use it has of if paying the price just, for this new and would revolutionize tool. He is fantastic that it is thus – let us use to advantage, therefore this new vision of world.
Therefore the young when dominating these tools with bigger disembarrassment, believes that they can move world and to manipulate people to its will. You unite, as all young always make? independently, of this or that time where they live. But later? we discover? almost always many discover, that more the discovery of another reality aches in they themselves. The world is not moved to its will, the people do not submit themselves to its whims, and this is truth for all, indistinctly? even though for that it withholds all power of the world. Thus it is patent that always we will be who we must adapting in them to the world and, when very, must induce to the others to accept our ideas or to our form of life. But always understanding and respecting that the final decision is of our interlocutor because in it if must its individuality, freedom and independence. To this we call pacific convivncia. Apolinario de Araujo Albuquerque River.