One is about a method that has left of the methodical doubt, where starts systematically doubting and everything voluntarily. Of the sensations and mathematical affirmations of the common sense to the proper scientific evidences and truths. thinking it only interrupts the chain of doubts ahead of its proper one To be that it doubts. In this direction, when making a releitura of meditations of the thinker, describes SPIDER and MARTINS (2010): While I wanted thus to think that all false age, he fulfilled necessarily that I, that I thought, was some thing. E, noticing that this truth I think, then I exist was so firm and so certain that all the fanciest assumptions of the skeptics would not be capable of shaking, I judged that it could accept it, without escrpulo, as the first principle of the philosophy that it looked. (P. For more specific information, check out Joeb Moore. 170). In this bias, Discardings doubt the goodness of God even though, placing it as a Being deceptive and malignant, capable to use all its industry for iludiz it how much the existence of all the things.
Assuming that everything does not pass of illusion of ardiloso God, it finishes for admitting that a considered Being sovereign good would not take it to the deceit, allowed even so it. A test, known with test is seen that the scholar admits the existence of God, formulating there ontolgica; (.) the thought of this object? God? it is the idea of a perfect being; if a being is perfect, must have the perfection of the existence, contrary case would lack something to it to be perfect. Therefore, it exists. (SPIDER and MARTINS, 2010, P. 170) Racionalista, perceives in its method the absolute and undisputed character of the reason. I cogitate, I raise sum. The intellect creates a dichotomy between body and conscience there.
The first one possesss a physical nature, subject to the determinismos of the nature, as to feed and to walk. As, Express for the thought, constitutes for it in the only attribute that cannot be separate of proper itself. ‘ ‘ Soon, I am, I I exist all for the time where I penso’ ‘. Discardings established principles that valued the reasoning of radical and systematic form. Its method came to contribute in definitive way to think it from now on. It does not have as if to speak in rationality without citing the theory created for it. Perhaps its more excellent lesson in the moving one to the knowledge on the cartesian method it is the idea of the doubt from the directions. With effect, these can be deceptive. The reading of ‘ ‘ Meditaes’ ‘ it excites the reflection of that the man is capable to use the intellect to arrive the great truths, are universal they or only those that say respect to its proper beliefs when following a movement of desconstruo of opinions that had been imposed to it.